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Q: What did framers create in order to prevent direct democracy?
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What was NOT a reason why the Framers opposed direct democracy?

Framers opposed a direct democracy for many reasons. The most important reason is because they were afraid of the rule of a majority.

Did the framers of the Constitution created a system of a government based on the principles of direct democracy?

NO. The United States is a representative democracy and its Constitution gives no provisions for direct democracy.

Why did the Framers prefer representative democracy over direct democracy?

The Founders universally opposed democracy--we are a Republic, not a Democracy, which means, by definition, that we have a representative form of government not a direct vote. Alexander Hamilton said that "democracy was the surest path to tyranny".

Did the framers of the Constitution believe that all policy decisions should be made by majority vote of the people?

yes, because they were advocates of direct democracy

Why did the framers of the constitution not include the direct election of the president?

They instead used an electoral college to prevent a majority mob rule

What type of democracy did the Greeks create?

Direct democracy, where the citizens met in regular assembly and made decisions which were carried out by a council.

Why is the US a direct democracy?

The US is a representative democracy, not a direct democracy. The Founders thought that the American people needed to have distance from the policies that would be considered to prevent mob-rule and keep voting among the more educated persons.

The Framers of the Constitution understood democracy and republic to mean different things Which concept did the Framers favored democracy or republic?

The Framers knew the direct and pure form of democracy and they feared that the emotional decisions taken by the populace; which is called unrestricted Majority Rule; may violate the individual rights. Therefore they chose the republic form of government in which the people choose individuals to represent them and transform their will into rational and reasonable decisions. after many amendment in the US constitution the government became a democratic republic.. or what we can call "representative or liberal democracy".A republic as opposed to a pure democracy

How do you feel about direct democracy?

How do you feel about direct democracy?

How does reprasentative democracy differ to direct democracy?

How does direct democracy differ from reprecentative democracy

How is a direct democracy different from a regular democracy?

Define regular democracy. A democracy is a government by the people. A direct democracy is a type of democracy.

What did the framers mean to accomplish by the indirect election of the president?

The framers of the Constitution intended to establish a balance of power and prevent the majority from directly electing the president. They aimed to give greater influence to smaller states and ensure that the president would have broad support across the country. Additionally, indirect election was seen as a protection against direct democracy and potential manipulation by the masses.