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Q: What did it mean to be a political reformer in the early 1900s?
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What does 1900s mean?

The 1900s stands for the early 20th century. This period of time would run between the years 1900 and 1910.

What were the most popular diseases in the 1900s?

If you mean infectuous disease. The most common deadly disease in the US in the early 1900s was probably tuberculosis. In the last half of the 1900s it was probably Influenza (the flu). If you mean any disease, then I think it would be heart disease for the entire century.

Were there movies in the 18900s?

The year 18900 has not come yet. So I am guessing that you mean 1890. No, they were begining in the early 1900s.

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Shingeki, is actually a way the Japanese retold western realist theater. It was popular during the late 1900s into the early 20th century.

Is there any way you could be on the titanic cruise ship?

if you mean the one that sunk in the early 1900s then no. Some people have claimed they are passengers from it reincarnated, but there is no evidence of it.

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Rastafari is a Christianity based movement that started in Jamaica in the early 1900s. Members of the Rastafari movement attempt to reject materialism and live spiritually full lives.

Which progressive reformer was well-known for his efforts in Wisconsin?

You probably mean Robert LaFollette

What is the origin of the word Yonks?

The origin of the word "yonks" is uncertain, but it is thought to be British slang originating in the early 1900s. It is used to mean a long time or a lengthy period.

Was early voting a bi-partisan act?

If you mean: was the voting not connected to any political parties, the answer is: no, it wasn't. Political parties like the Democrats and the Republicans only came into being several decades later.

What does 'autostrade' mean in English?

Autostrade is the plural form of the word autostrada. It's an Italian word for freeway or expressway. It was originally used in the early 1900s and combines the words "auto" and "stada" (which means street).

What does cultural implications mean?

Cultural implications usually means that goes against a person's culture. In the United States, in the early 1900s, it would have bad cultural implications to do anything on Sunday except go to church.

What are some similarities in Canada from 1900s and now?

we both had had clothes i mean not the same style but i mean we both had clothes