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Jean believed a Republican better was the best!

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Q: What did jean-Jacques Rousseau think the best form of government was?
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What was Rousseau's of government?

He believed government came from society , he hoped people would vote for what was best for the community .

Who was Swiss philosopher best known for his book on government the social contract?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

What were some of the enlightenment ideas that helped inspire the french revolution?

Rousseau's ideas inspire many leaders of the French Revolution. Rousseau fought for individual freedom. He though that a direct democracy was the best form of government.

What form of government was advocated by political philosopher's jean Jacques Rousseau and francois Marie Charles fourier?

The form of government that was advocated by Jean Jacques Rousseau and Francois Marie Charles Fourier was Democracy. Rousseau saw liberty as a natural right He wrote the book The Spirit of the Laws in 1748. He sought out, just like Aristotle, how to keep a government under control. he thought that liberty would best be safeguarded by a separation of powers by separating government into three different branches. 1)Legislature to make the laws, 2)an executive to enforce them, and 3) courts to interpret them.

What statement best describes the ideas of Hobbes and Rousseau?

Hobbes believed that humans are naturally selfish and must submit to a strong central authority to maintain order, while Rousseau thought that humans are inherently good but corrupted by society, and advocated for a more egalitarian and harmonious way of living in a social contract.

Which enlightenment philosopher first popularized the idea that the general will of the people is best for society?

thomas paine

Best known paintings by Henri Rousseau?

His best Known painting was the Sleeping Gypsy.

Which form of government do you think is the best?

Dictatorship, with me as dictator, of course.

What form of government did john Locke think was best...?

A Democratic System

Which form of government do you think would be best for borka?

I think monarchy as it makes every prosses faster

What did Aristotle think of Monarchy?

Aristotle believed that monarchy could be a just form of government if the ruler was virtuous and ruled for the common good. However, he also warned that monarchy could easily become tyrannical if the ruler was corrupt or self-serving. Aristotle believed that a well-functioning monarchy needed to be balanced by elements of aristocracy and democracy.

What role did harding and collidge think the government should play in peoples lives?

Both believed that the best government was the least government and that government should not interfere with the life of the nation.