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Q: What did lamarack believe about how organisms change?
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How do organisms change?

Organisms change by the differant cells that colide together.

Who is Lamarack?

Basically he came up with an evolution theory before Darwin...According to him acquired traits could be passed on. Let's look at an example: Take a girrafe...why do they have such long necks? According to Lamarack long time ago the trees started getting taller and so the girrafes had to stretch their necks to get to the leaves. This caused an extention in their necks. And the long necks were passed on by the parents to their offsprings...u gotta remember this is Lamarack theory (NOT TRUE)!! the evolution theory we believe in today is Darwin's. AFter Lamarack Darwin started studying evolution and figured out that the long necks evolved because of a variation in species and survival of the fittest. Basically according to him, long time ago their were short-necked girrafes and long-necked girrafes but as the trees started to grow taller only the long-necked were able to survive because they could get to the leaves..

What is the gradual development of new organisms from preexisting organisms called?

I believe you are referring to evolution, which occurs as a result of natural selection causing species to change into new species over time.

What did Jean-Baptiste de Lamarack contribute to the theory of evolution?

Lamarck proposed that organisms change over time based on needs through "use and disuse". He believed in inheritance of acquired characteristics. Though this is an inaccurate idea, Lamarck was ahead of his time in that he understood adaptation was key to evolution in some way.

Who thought that the giraffe's long neck evolved from reaching high into the trees?

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

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Do you believe that evolution and atheism are inseparable?

Atheism is the lack of belief in deities. Evolution is the change in organisms over time. They are two different subject and many of those that accept evolution also believe in deities, so...

What are the organisms that scavenge in streams?

I believe Badgers do.

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What is a change in an organisms surroundings that provides a response?

A stimuli or stimulus is a change in an organisms surroundings that provokes a response from the organism.

What is the change in an organisms environment that affects the organisms activities?

Beavers building dams.

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