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They forgot that using force to spread the Gospel is contrary to everything for which Christianity stands. They forgot God's commandment to protect human life- not take it!

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Q: What did many of the people who supported or fought in the crusades forget?
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Why did people support the crusaders?


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What are the Crusades relashinship with christans?

The Crusades were sponsored and fought by the Catholic Church and the people who went were Christians to take back the “Holy Land.”

How did the pope convince people to take part in the crusades?

He said that no matter what, whoever fought in the crusades would have a guaranteed spot in heaven.

Why did these people want to go fight in the crusades?

People wanted to go fight in the crusades for various reasons, including religious fervor, desire for adventure and glory, hope for riches and land acquisition, and the promise of redemption and salvation. Additionally, some were motivated by a sense of duty to defend Christian lands and holy sites in the Holy Land.

Why are the crusades considered holy wars?

The Crusades are considered holy wars because they were military campaigns sanctioned by the Catholic Church with the aim of reclaiming holy land, specifically Jerusalem, from Muslim control. The crusaders believed they were fighting for a righteous cause and were granted absolution for their sins.

Was Wales in a war during the middle ages?

Welsh people fought with each other, and with the English. They also fought against invaders from Ireland and Vikings. Many Welsh knights fought in the crusades.

Why were knights eager to fight in Crusades?

people wanted to fight in the crusades for many different reasons, such as:EVERYBODY WAS EAGER TO FIGHT IN THE CRUSADES BECAUSE THEY GET GRANTED INTO HEAVEN IF THEY DIE IN THE CRUSADESKnights fought in the crusades because of their love for war also for their lady.Fighting in this war meant honour and pride as well as the reasons above.

How did the crusades affect the people that fought in the war?

This is a very broad question. Do you mean Europeans, Saracens, or both? But ideas might be two-fold. Some people who fought in the Crusades benefited greatly from the new ideas, pillage, ransom, and trade they gained while others suffered famine, poor nutrition, disease, injury, and death.

Who were the key people in the crusades?

The three main groups that fought in the Crusades were actually the Byzantiums the European Christians and the Seljun Turks who were Muslim

Why did people support crusades?


What was the original main reason for the military expeditions called the Crusades?

Greed and the want for land was the main reason. Religion was the source of inspiration, and the Crusades would never have happened without religioin's influence. Not enough people would have fought.