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Q: What did martin write down on the letter that he wote and put on the church door?
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It was Martin Luther who posted the 95 thesis on the church door

In 1517 what did Martin Luther do?

In 1517 Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on the Castle Church door at Wittenberg, Germany.

What document did Luther write that described the corruption of the Catholic Church?

It sounds like you are asking about the 95 Theses which Martin Luther nailed to the Castle Church door, but if you read them, you quickly realize that Martin Luther was not describing corruption in the Church but advertising his own ignorance of Church doctrine as most of them are dogmas that were perfectly Catholic.

Who nailed a list of complaints on the door of the church in Wittenberg?

Martin Luther

Why was Martin Luther excomunicated?

he wrote the 95 theses on the church door

Where did martin Luther post his statements?

He posted his list on the door of the Wittenberg church

How did Martin Luther protest?

He nailed the 95 Theses to the door of a catholic church.

Martin Luther created a list of 95 grievances and .?

nailed them to the church door

What did Martin Luther hammer on the church door to begin the Protestant Reformation?

His 95 thesis (problems with the church). And just so you know, the church door was like a bulletin, so he wasn't being disrespectful when he nailed it to the door.

Who nailed a list of complaints about the church to the door f a church in Weinberg Germany?

Martin Luther became dissatisfied with a number of elements the Catholic Church had introduced such as the sale of indulgences. He protested these things and nailed a list of complaints to the door of a church. Martin Luther was the force behind the Protestant Reformation.

What did martin Luther do with his ninety five grievances?

AFter he nailed them to the Catholic church door, the church eventually read them and changed their ways.

What did Martin lurther begin?

Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation by posting his Ninety-Five Theses on the church door.