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Monks studied Latin, with a few also learning Greek and Arabic; the majority of books available to them were in Latin, but a few in other languages found their way into monastic libraries. In an age before printing, all books had to be copied out by hand if additional copies were needed, so monasteries were always borrowing books from each other.

Books included many religious works, interpreting The Bible stories or giving explanations of the parables and life of Jesus; other books were devoted to the lives of Saints and early Christian martyrs, who were seen as examples of how Christians should live their own lives; some texts were medical and gave treatments for various ailments and the uses of herbs; some books were devoted to Church (Canon) Law; others were about mathematics and the sciences as they were understood at that time; there were history books, books on logic and philosophy and the writings of classical authors such as Cicero and Ovid.

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Q: What did medieval monks study?
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What was the roles of monks in medieval Europe?

To pray

Who did medieval monks worship?

The God of the Bible.

What did the monks wear in the medieval times?

a Frock

What were monks roles in medieval Eurpoe?

their role was to protect

Are there any more medieval monks living?

No, obviously. Medieval times ended hundreds of years ago and people, monks included just don't live that long.

Who lived in the monastery in medieval times?

Monks lived in monateries.

What did medieval monks do for entertainment?

Masturbate, read scriptures, pray.

How are medieval monks different to missionaries?

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