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he belived that we were moved too much by emotion and too little by reason

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Q: What did montesquieu believe in?
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Why did Montesquieu believe people could not govern themselves?

Montesquieu did believe people could govern themselves

Why did Montesquieu believe people could govern themselves?

Montesquieu did believe people could govern themselves

What did Baron de Montesquieu believe about government's power?

baron de montesquieu believe that government can protect their natural rights....

What revolution was baron de montesquieu apart of?

I believe it was the French Revolution.

How did Montesquieu believe led to the fall of Rome?

Montesquieu postulated that Rome's military might outweighed its dedication to civic responsibility and the costs of expansion undermined the Empire.

Why does Montesquieu believe that disobeying laws lead to loss of liberty?

montesquieu believed that disobeying laws leads to a loss of liberty because, not monarchs or unrestrained mobs- should goern society.

Who believed that the power of governments believe that it should be divided into three branches?

Baron de montesquieu

How did Montesquieu believe people were born?

Montesquieu believed that people were born with inherent qualities such as reason, virtue, and empathy. He argued that these qualities shaped our behavior and interactions in society.

Did Montesquieu believe in slavery?

Montesquieu did not explicitly condemn slavery, but he did point out its dangers and inefficiencies in his work 'The Spirit of the Laws.' He argued that slavery was not well-suited for commerce or agriculture as it relied on force instead of the natural order.

What did Montesquieu believe led to the fall of Rome?

He concluded that Rome's Collapse was directly related to its loss of political liberties.

Who said governments power should be divided into three branched?


Does montesquieu believe in representative democracy?

YES. Montesquieu believed that a republic, which is a form of representative democracy, was the best form of government. However, Montesquieu spent much more time emphasizing that the effective administration of a republic (or of any other type of government) required a separation of powers, so that no single branch could overpower the others.