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Q: What did people believe witches could do in Shakespearean times?
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What powers did people believe that witches had?

people believed witches could change the weather and change people's appearances and personality's

What is the origin of the term witches brew?

More correctly it would be witch's brew (one witch) or witches' brew (several witches). As for the brew part, the origin could be Shakespearean as in MacBeth where the 3 witches concoct a broth with unholy ingredients.

Why díd People believe about witches?

Witches very much exist today as they did before. I am very good friends with witches. Witch is a very vague title for what they do. They could make soaps, deal with herbs or crystals, some worship what they believe in to be diety(ies). I hope this answers your question a little.

What did British people believe about witches in the 17th century eg. evil and superstitous?

British people in the 17th century sometimes held the superstitious beliefs that someone could become possessed by the devil. They did not believe that these people were responsible for their actions. Those who made a pact with the devil however were considered to be evil and witches.

Do witches still exist?

As a matter of fact, yes, witches do, and always have, and forever will exist. Witches, of all kinds being white, black and grey, they've always been around since the dawn of time. Not that they are the kind of people who fly on broomsticks and carry a black cat with them, witches are people who feel that magic is something that could be used for all sorts of reason.

Why were so many convicted witches killed?

People were scared of what witches could or would do with their power. They considered all witches evil, which was not, in fact, the case. Indeed, there were evil witches, but there were also good witches.

What are witches in the 17th centry like?

They were just ordinary people. Witches are not real, ignorant people decided to blame someone for things they could not understand

Were witches green with hooked noses?

Witches did not have green skin or hooked noses. Witches could be anyone. People who were outcasts in society were typically the ones who got accused most often.

What did witches do in the 1500-1600?

Witches were said to be able to speak with the devi, and with his help they could communicate with the dead. Some could see into the future. They could make people ill using spells and potions or even kill people. They could fly and make themselves invisible at will. They used animal such as cats or birds (familiars) as disguises for the evil spirits who served them. They could bring bad weather, such as storms or lightning, to affect ships and ruin crops. Basically, people blamed witches for anything that went wrong! Fact: In Scotland between 1590 and 1680, it is estimated that4400 'witches' were executed. Witch hunters (like Matthew Hopkins) used to look for signs showing if people were witches or not (if they saw an old woman with a pet cat or a familiar they may have accused them of being a witch). Many witch hunters didn't even believe in witches and just did the job for the money. Also, many people who were accused of witchcraft only admitted to being a witch to stop the torture.

According to some people what did Shakespeare include in Macbeth that made real witches mad enough to curse the playing?

OK, so you really care about the opinions of people who think there are real witches who cursed the play Macbeth? They are obviously insane. But if you were looney enough to believe that such a thing could happen, I suppose you might think that the witches were angry that Shakespeare gave away their best recipe.

Why did they belevie in witches?

Puritans believed in witches because witches were mentioned in the Bible. They believed these creatures were in league with the Devil, and could masquerade as normal around people. People were very superstitious and gullible. They blamed witches for all the bad things that happened in life. As a result of these beliefs, the Salem Witch Trials occurred.

What ways could witches and wizards trade in their world?

Witches and wizards could trade their tactics in their world.