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They used boats, where rivers would take them to their intended destinations, wagons pulled by horses or oxen, rode horseback, or walked.

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Q: What did people use for transportation before the train was invented?
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What is the fastest way of transportation before the train was invented?

Before trains were invented horse drawn wagons carried freight, people either walked, rode horseback or rode in stage coaches.

What did people use for transportation before use train was invented?

They used boats, where rivers would take them to their intended destinations, wagons pulled by horses or oxen, rode horseback, or walked.

Who invented the bullet train?

The first high-speed train line was proposed by the Japanese Ministry of Transportation in the 1930's.

What was invented first car train or airplane?

The train was invented hundreds of years before cars or airplanes.

Who ivented the train?

The trainis a vehicle of transportation, which was invented in 1822 by an English inventor named George Stephenson.

Why was the train first invented?

For transportation of goods and materials to the new factories cropping up around 1800.

What do Canadian people use for transportation?

surprisingly they travel by boat or train

What mode of transportation carries the most people each day?


Who invented the train transportation?

Some Greeks about 2500 years ago. (First recorded one carried boats).

Who invent transportation?

No one specifcally has ever "invented" transport. Although many people have helped to evolve ways of transport such as the train, planes, cars, boats etc. So if your looking into that maybe Google who invented a specific type of transport i.e "who invented the aeroplane?" .

What sort of transportation did people using during world war 2?


What do people use as transportation in Morocco?

they take the train and cars and buses yahh