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the convent of life being equally preached to all and among those to whom it is preached not always finding the same reception.

Put in another way - predestination meant that those chosen to the saved were chosen by God from the beginning of time, and that their selection did not depend on anything that they did in their lives but upon God's will alone. (Note that this strongly implies that some are not chosen for salvation). To Calvin, it was a doctrine of assurance in that if your salvation was contingent upon what you did or believed, then it was possible to "lose" your salvation but if your election depended on God's grace alone, then it was absolutely unchangeable.

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Q: What did predestination mean to Calvin?
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Calvin, of Calvinism, is commonly known for starting the motion of predestination.

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The reformer who believed in predestination was?

John Calvin, a key figure in the Protestant Reformation. He believed in the doctrine of predestination, which states that God has already determined who will be saved and who will be damned. This idea was a central tenet of Calvinism.

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Predestination was one of the beliefs held by John Calvin, one of the leaders of the Reformation.Read more: What_is_The_relationship_between_the_reformation_and_predestination

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John Calvin. One of the effects of Luther's Reformation, Calvin rose up and started his own sect that is most famously none for the idea of predestination.

Which Protestant reformer preached the doctine of predestination?

Predestination is most closely associated with John Calvin. See, for example, his Institutes of the Christian Relgion

What did John Calvin believe was the to salvation?

John Calvin believed predestination was the path to salvation.

How were Calvin's idea put into practice?

he preached predestination

What religious reformer believed in predestination?

John Calvin, a French theologian and religious reformer, believed in the doctrine of predestination. He taught that God has predetermined who will be saved and who will be damned, regardless of human actions or merit. This belief is a key tenet of Calvinism.

What did jhon Calvin believe in?

John Calvin believed in man kind's depravity and sinfulness. He was a protestant reformer and his beliefs are the foundation of Calvinism.