

Best Answer
  • He wants to get Texas annexed to the US
  • He wants to make peace with indians
  • He made the money situation go down
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Q: What did sam Houston do on his first term as president?
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What problems did Sam Houston face in his first term as president?

what are they

The first president of the Republic of Texas was?

The first Republic of Texas president was Sam Houston.

Why did Sam Houston not run for president of Texas after his first term?

The Texas Constitution forbade it.

What are some goals sam Houston had in his first term as persident?

Some goals President Sam Houston had were annex Texas to the USA, control economy, and handle President Santa Anna

Why did Sam Houston not run for president at the end of his first term?

Because the Texas Constitution did not allow it.

When was Sam Houston president of Texas?

Sam Houston was the first president of Texas after it won independence for Mexico.

Was Sam Houston one of the Texas president?

Yes , Sam Houston was both the first and the third President of the Republic of Texas .

First President of Texas?

Sam Houston

What were Sam Houston's achievements in his first term as president of Texas?

he made a treaty with the indians and he lowered the public debt.

Texas first president?

Sam Houston was the first President of the Republic of Texas.

Became the first president of Texas?

Sam Houston was the first president of Texas.

What challenges did Sam Houston face when he began his second term as?
