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The saber tooth tigers did not evolve as some animals did years ago. These animals basically went extinct because they were not able to adapt to the changes of the environment.

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What did tigers evolve from?

Tigers evolved from a common ancestor shared with other big cats like lions, leopards, and jaguars. This ancestor dates back millions of years to a group of animals known as feliforms, which eventually diversified into the various big cat species we see today.

What is a saber tooth tigers habitat?

Saber Tooth Tigers live world wide

What enemies do silver tooth tigers have?

I'm assuming you mean saber tooth tigers. There is no such thing as what you asked about. Rephrase your question with "saber tooth tigers" or "Smilodon", and you might get better information.

Do saber-tooth tigers kill zebras?

No, saber-tooth tigers have been extinct for many thousands of years,.

Why are saber tooth tigers called saber tooth tigers?

To call it a Saber-tooth Tiger isn't very accurate, because they're actually not a species of tiger. The Saber-Tooth Cat (Smilodon) didn't evolve into a tiger, they went extinct thousands of years ago.

Do the saber tooth tigers hibernate?


How good is saber-toothed tigers eyesight?

saber tooth tigers do not exist

Why were Sabre tooth tigers extinction?


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What group is the saber tooth tiger in?
