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they played with a pig's bladder, hopscotch, skipping or marbels

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Q: What did school children play with at playtime at Victorian school?
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What was Victorian school like for rich children?

School was mostly attended by boys as rich girls would have a governess to teach them, also to teach them to play the piano.

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What do rich Victorian children do in evening?

play old fashioned games

How long was Victorian school childrens playtime?

they played a game called Wall Ball. Everyone had to try and get a ball, by bundling on top of each other. poor children had not got the money to buy games, so made do with games like skipping etc. but rich children played with dolls and so on. they spent a LOT of time being educated.

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What kind of toys did older children from rich Victorian families play with?


Did rich Victorian children play ball in a cup?

of course yes..... maybe not...........

What was the types of homes in rich Victorian children?

Victorian homes of the rich were very large and most likely full of nooks and crannies for children to play and hide. See the links below for some photos of Victorian mansions.

Why should playtime be banned?

Playtime should not be banned as it is essential for the physical, emotional, and social development of children. Play helps children learn important skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and cooperation. It also promotes physical activity and overall well-being.