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Q: What did scientists learn in the 1930s that lead to the Manhattan project?
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Why did scientists learn in the 1930s that led to the Manhattan project?

Uranium atoms could be split releasing tremendous energy

What did the Manhattan project accomplished?

The Manhattan Project not only built the bombs that ended the war and saved millions of lives it helped scientists learn to harvest plutonium, uranium and to harness its power so they could eventually make nuclear powered ships and reactors for power.

When did the soviet union first learn of the American atomic bomb?

about the time the manhattan project began in 1942, long before any existed.

What did scientists learn about it?

Scientists learn a few different things. Scientists learn new things very day.

What did scientists learn in the 1930's that led to the Manhattan project?

Nuclear fission (splitting the atom) was the fundamental discovery leading to the Manhattan Project. Although Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch are generally credited with the discovery, other physicists that played an important part were Ida Noddack, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman.

What do you call scientists that learn about the past?

Scientists that learn about the past are called historians because they learn about history/past.

How do scientists learn about the world?

Scientists use observation and experimentation to learn about the natural world.

Why do scientists read?

To learn.

What do scientists learn from animals in zoos?

they learn behavioral patterns of the animals.

How can scientists learn from observations?

making mistakes if they won't do it they wont learn

What can you learn from the community project?

One can learn many things that one does not already know. SO, community project can teach as much as a person wants or is willing to learn.

How did they made the bomb in 1945?

The nuclear weapons were developed in the Manhattan Project. The development took years of research and work to learn how to produce Uranium 235 and Plutonium, and how to fabricate them into a bomb. The Uranium bomb, known as Little Boy, used a gun system to fire a plug of uranium into a larger target of uranium. The Plutonium bomb, known as Fat Man, was a round ball of plutonium that was crushed by explosive charges. The link below will take you to an article on the Manhattan Project.