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What kind of answer is no I cant? The answer is Wrote down everything

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debbie reeed

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4y ago
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7y ago

Copy documents and write new documents as dictated. They had a similar role to the modern secretary, but had to do everything by hand.

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11y ago

no i cant

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Q: What did the scribes do for the pharaohs?
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What relations did scribes in ancient Egypt have with their pharaohs in ancient Egypt?

There were things called Royal Scribes that were the pharoah's personal scribe (if they were the top royal scribe;there were many). But there were also many scribes that had nothing to do with the government of Ancient Egypt.

Who bilted pyramides?

Pyramids were built as tombs for the Pharaohs. The actual work was delegated to his architects, scribes, craftspeople and thousands of slaves.

What jobs were Egyptian women was allowed not hold?

the could not be scribes only slaves,farmers or maybe pharaohs

Why do you think priests and scribes held such high ranks?

I think because they both are really important. Priests because they tell people who should believe in. Also scribes because they can write down laws and pharaohs name, etc.

What three types of people made up Egypt's upper class?

The upper class in Ancient Egypt was composed of nobility, high-ranking officials, and priests. Nobility included members of the royal family and powerful individuals appointed by the pharaoh to govern regions of the kingdom. High-ranking officials held administrative positions within the government, while priests were influential due to their connection to religious institutions and deities.

What were the ancient Egyptian jobs?

there were many ancient Egyptian jobs including farmers,priests,craftspeople,blacksmiths,jewelers, animal breeders,scribes,pharaohs, bakers,artists

Who built the temples?

The Pharaohs ordered the temples to be built in order to receive favours from the gods in the hope of bringing prosperity to Egypt. Architects, scribes, artisans and thousands of slaves did the actual work.

How was ancient Egyptian government organized?

The god was at the top then the pharaoh was under the god then the kings under them were the law enforcement under them were the scribes and under them were the citizens and finally the slaves.

Where did scribes work?

Scribes worked in the Temple.

What were scribes skilled in?

Scribes were skilled in writing.

What is mummies of pharaohs as a possessive noun?

"Mummies of pharaohs" as a possessive noun could be "the pharaohs' mummies." This indicates that the mummies belong to the pharaohs.