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Before the 17th Amendment, members of the House of Representatives were elected directly by the people, but members of the Senate were elected by the individual states' legislatures. However, the 17th Amendment changed the election of Senators from the state legislatures to the people. As a result, senators are now directly elected by the people.

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Q: What did the 17th amendment to the US Constitution accomplish?
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Which amendment to the US Constitution outlines the process for electing US senators?


What amendment provided for the direct election of the us senate?

The 17th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution requires popular election of U.S. Senators.

How does the seventeenth amendment protect individual rights?

The 17th Amendment of the US Constitution establishes direct election, protecting the validity of the people in the US Senate.

What amendment to the us constitution gave the people the right to elect us senator?

Prior to the 17th Amendment, senators of the U.S Senate were appointed by the state's governor. The 17th Amendment requires that senators be elected by the citizens of the state they represent.

What amendment lets people elect senators?

The 17th Amendment calls for citizens of the state to elect their state senators. Before the 17th Amendment, the state governor would appoint the senators.

Which amendment turned the election of US Senators over to direct popular vote?

That was the 17th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, ratified 8 April 1913.

What is the purpose of the 17th amendment?

The 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution, ratified in 1913, established the direct election of United States Senators by popular vote. Prior to this amendment, Senators were chosen by state legislatures. This amendment aimed to increase democracy and eliminate corruption in the selection of Senators.

Direct election of us senate?

1913 constitutional amendment was edited [ 17 ]

Are the united states senators elected by the people of the US?

Yes, since the April, 1913 ratification of the 17th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution.

How did the 17th amendment change the US?


How did the seventeenth amendment to the us constitution give more political power to the individual voter?

The 17th amendment allows voters to elect senators by popular vote. Before this amendment senators were elected by state legislature not the people.

What amendment let's voters directly elected US senator?

17th amendment