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Africans traded gold, ivory, and other resources for goods such as firearms, textiles, and rum in the triangle trade. The main commodity that Africans were traded for in this trade route was slaves.

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Q: What did the Africans trade for in the triangle trade?
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What impact did the triangle trade Africa?

The triangle trade had a devastating impact on Africa as it led to widespread enslavement of Africans, disruption of communities, loss of cultural heritage, and economic exploitation. This trade system also contributed to the underdevelopment of Africa by diverting human and natural resources away from local economies.

Who benefited the least form triangular trade?

The enslaved Africans who were forcibly transported as part of the triangle trade benefited the least. They were treated as commodities, subjected to inhumane conditions, and faced unimaginable suffering during their journey and time in captivity.

Why were fellow africans involved in the slave trade?

Fellow Africans were involved in the slave trade for various reasons, including profit, political power, and as a result of intertribal conflicts. European involvement also incentivized some African leaders to participate in the trade.

How did the triangular trade effect Africans?

The triangular trade had a devastating impact on Africans as it involved the forced migration of millions of Africans as slaves to the Americas, leading to loss of lives, destruction of families and communities, and the exploitation of their labor. Africans experienced unimaginable suffering and brutality during this period.

How did the Atlantic slave trade benefit the Africans?

The Atlantic slave trade did not benefit Africans. It led to the forced removal of millions of Africans from their homes, families, and communities, resulting in immense suffering, loss of life, and disruption of societies. The slave trade primarily benefited European and American slave traders, plantation owners, and industries that were built on the exploitation of enslaved Africans.

Related questions

What part of the Triangle trade was the worse for Africans?

The Diseases.

What was the triangle of trade?

the triangle trade is when ships left from britai traded goods with africans for slaves then to them to America and the west indies and then sold the slaves for cotton and sugar

What is the name of the leg of the triangular trade route in which africans were forcibly brought to the Americas?

The leg of the triangle trade where Africans were brought to America was known as the Middle Passage.

How did the triangular trade affect Africans?

Considering that slaves were one leg of the triangle, it depleted their numbers.

What happened in the slave trade triangle?

The Slave Trade Triangle. During the slave trade there were three stages (hence the name "the slave trade triangle"). In the first stage, Europeans bought enslaved Africans in exchange for goods shipped from Europe. In the second stage, Africans were forced onto ships to go across the Atlantic ocean to America (also known as the "middle passage"). When finally reaching America, the Africans that had survived the intensely long journey were sold as slaves to work on plantations Finally, in the third stage, the Europeans would travel back to Europe loaded with goods produced on plantations using slave labour. It would take up to one whole year for the slave trade triangle to be completed.

What happen in the triangle trade?

The Slave Trade Triangle. During the slave trade there were three stages (hence the name "the slave trade triangle"). In the first stage, Europeans bought enslaved Africans in exchange for goods shipped from Europe. In the second stage, Africans were forced onto ships to go across the Atlantic Ocean to America (also known as the "middle passage"). When finally reaching America, the Africans that had survived the intensely long journey were sold as slaves to work on plantations Finally, in the third stage, the Europeans would travel back to Europe loaded with goods produced on plantations using slave labour. It would take up to one whole year for the slave trade triangle to be completed.

What can you write about in a triangular trade essay?

the triangular trade routes were between europe, america, africa, and the west indies. trade routes were triangle shaped, hence the name triangular trade route. an example: first rum and iron products were traded for captive africans in africa. then, the africans were traded for gold, molasses, and sugar in the west indies. then the sugar and molasses were made into more rum in america, starting the trade again. (if you look at a map, this route is triangle shaped.)

What was the Atlantic triangle?

The Atlantic Triangle refers to the trade route during the colonial period involving Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Goods such as slaves, raw materials, and manufactured goods were exchanged between these regions, contributing to the economic development of Europe and the exploitation of African and indigenous populations.

What impact did the triangle trade have on Africa?

the people were shipped on boats to Africa to take the Africans and turn them into slaves

What did the slaves do on the middle passage?

The term "Middle Passage" refers to that middle leg of the transatlantic trade triangle in which millions of Africans were imprisoned, enslaved, and removed from their homes. The Africans were then transported to the New Word. It is believed that up to two million Africans died directly attributable to the Middle Passage voyage. Triangle Trade (Explained) Ships loaded with commerical cargo departed Europe for Africa. While in Africa the Europeans traded their goods for kidnapped Africans. The Africans were then transported across the Atlantic and sold or traded for raw materials. The raw materials would be transported back to Europe.

Why were fellow africans involved in the slave trade?

Fellow Africans were involved in the slave trade for various reasons, including profit, political power, and as a result of intertribal conflicts. European involvement also incentivized some African leaders to participate in the trade.

Who were the partners of the English slave trade?

The partners of the English slave trade included slave traders, merchants, plantation owners, ship captains, and investors who were involved in buying, selling, transporting, and profiting from enslaved African people. These individuals and groups collaborated to establish a brutal and lucrative system that perpetuated the trade of human beings for forced labor in the Americas.