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Agriculture and specialization allowed humans to settle in one place, develop larger and more complex societies, create surplus food, and trade goods and services. This led to the growth of civilizations and the development of culture, art, technology, and various social structures.

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Q: What did the Agriculture and specialization made it possible for humans to?
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What Agriculture and specialization made it possible for humans who?

The development of agriculture allowed humans to settle in one place, cultivate crops, and raise livestock, leading to more stable food sources and the growth of permanent settlements. Specialization then emerged as people focused on specific tasks within the community, allowing for the development of complex societies and the advancement of technology.

What changes in the way people lived did agriculture make possible?

Agriculture allowed people to settle in one place instead of constantly moving in search of food. This led to the development of permanent communities, the growth of populations, and the specialization of labor. It also enabled the creation of surplus food production, leading to trade and the development of complex societies.

Do humans and frogs share a common ancestor?

Yes, humans and frogs share a common ancestor in the evolution of vertebrates. Both species are classified as part of the chordates, a group of animals with a notochord at some stage of their development. The last common ancestor of humans and frogs lived hundreds of millions of years ago.

Are humans man made?

No, humans are not man made. Humans are natural beings who have evolved over millions of years through the process of natural selection.

How did the early humans make tools?

Early humans made tools by shaping rocks and stones into desired shapes using other rocks as hammers. They also used bones and antlers as tools by sharpening them to cut and scrape. This process of making tools is known as knapping and allowed early humans to better control their environment and improve their survival.

Related questions

What Agriculture and specialization made it possible for humans who?

The development of agriculture allowed humans to settle in one place, cultivate crops, and raise livestock, leading to more stable food sources and the growth of permanent settlements. Specialization then emerged as people focused on specific tasks within the community, allowing for the development of complex societies and the advancement of technology.

What enabled early people to settle in villages?

coming together in villages made what possible for early people? Answer: Specialization.

What skill made agriculture possible?

i think it is maybe i do not know it is farming agriculture is farming

What is the agriculture technique that made it possible to manage water?

the doors

What was the first made commercial agriculture possible in the West?

The Steamboat

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What was the main factor that made possible for the people To settle in permanent communities?


What new skill made agriculture possible?

i think it is maybe i do not know it is farming agriculture is farming

Which of the situations was only possible after the Neolithic Revolution?

a farmer experiments to learn which crops grow best in his soil.

What describes an economic benefit made possible by the neolithic revolution?

The economic benefit enabled by the Neolithic Revolution was the shift from a nomadic hunting and gathering lifestyle to settled agriculture. This led to surplus food production, enabling specialization of labor, development of trade, and the growth of complex societies and civilizations.

Where was farming and the wheel invented?

The wheel was made by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia. Early humans discovered agriculture (farming)

What is the mail factor that made it possible for people to settle in permanent communities?

Agriculture Farming and Ranching