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Seapower: They relied on the water to fight.

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Q: What did the Athens rely on because of refusing to fight on land?
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Because its our motherland

Who were metic?

They were resident aliens of ancient Athens. They were seen as citizens but only had the burdens of citizenship. Because of their ranking they led low paying jobs. Like male citizens male Metics also had to fight in war.

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Woman couldnt vote in Athens because, only people with land can vote. Woman couldnt own land, thus, not being allowed to vote :)

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yes because they said that was there land or they will say NO that's our land yes because they said that was there land or they will say NO that's our land

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because squirrels are very greedy animals and god wanted them that way. ANSWER: squirrels fight for land because that's where they put their stored food supply.

What did the people of Athens provide against the fight with the Persians?

In the first naval phase, 180 warhips. In the next land phase, 10,000 armoured infantry.

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Then will not get to fight because spiders live on land and octopuses live in the ocean

Why did Athens avoid fighting on land and what did they rely on to fight Sparta?

Athens avoided fighting on land during the Peloponnesian War because they lacked a strong land army compared to their rival, Sparta. Instead, Athens relied on their powerful navy to maintain control of the sea, protect their trade routes, and launch naval attacks on Spartan territories. They also relied on alliances with other city-states and their strong fortifications, such as the Long Walls, to defend their city.

Why do people live in Greece?

Athens is the best city state because it is on the coast and for people to cross the strip of land separating Athens from Corinth, Athens would charge people making Athens one of the best city states because of it's wealth. Also it was the place in the world to have democracy.

Why did Sioux Indians fight?

because they were trying to protect their land and people

Which city was strongest Athens or Sparta?

Athens. Sparta was famous for its land army.

Why was it harder for US to fight war with Japan?

Because they were fighting in enemy's land.