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Q: What did the British force the Indians to do?
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the passage to India to Italy is all about that what was the injustice done with the Indians by the British and what did the British force the Indians to do in return of bribe. and payment of heavy taxation. it is mainly about the struggle between the British and Muslim's.

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the french and the Indians or if you are talking about eastern Canada then its Benedict Arnold :)

Why were the Indians were unhappy with the British rule?

Because the British treated the Indians like slaves

Why were the British superior to he Indians?

Primary reason is because British were more disciplined than Indians.

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it was the British and Indians i am thinking. i could be wrong though

Which Indians were allied with the British?

The Iroquois Indians The Iroquois Indians The Iroquois Indians

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it was easier for rich indians to live under british rule

Why were there clashes with Indians?

Because the colonist were using force with the Indians

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They did not need to as the French and Indians were allies against the British. The British won the war.

What did the British encourage the Indians to grow instead of food?

The British encouraged the Indians to grow cotton instead of food.

Why did Britain make a law that forbid Indians from buying salt?

The British only wanted the Indians to buy salt from them which was heavily taxed. Of course most of the Indian population could not afford it and salt was a big necessity for Indians at the time, everyone mostly used it. Gandhi said, "Next to air and water, salt is perhaps the greatest necessity of life."

Why did Americans dislike the british support of Indians?

because they were part of the indians