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Q: What did the British hope the Georgia would Block attacks from?
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Why did the English encourage settlement in Georgia?

The English encouraged settlement in Georgia so the criminals and debtors would act as a buffer against Indian attacks.

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John Jay was the man was sent to make a deal with England that would stop British-supported Indian attacks in the Ohio River Valley.

How did the british decide if the Georgia settlers would continue to receive money to run the colony?

help me

Who decided if the Georgia settlers would continue to receive money to run the colony?

The British Parliament

Why did the IRA engage in terrorist attacks?

IRA engaged in terrorist attacks to cause the collapse of the government of Northern Ireland. They also wanted to inflict substantial casualties on British forces that the British government would be forced by public opinion to withdraw from the region.

Why did many Americans blame the British for Indian attacks on settlers?

Many historians believe Britain provoked the Indian attacks on America because the British saw Indians as valuable allies. The British military supported the Indians by offering armed resistance to the expansion of the American frontier to the west, in return of attacks on the Americans; and the British had plans of creating a large neutral Indian state which would be located across Ohio, Indiana and Michigan.

Who was sent to make a deal with England that would stop British supported Indian attacks in the Ohio River Valley?


What decides if the Georgia settlers would continue to receive money to run the country from the british?

king george

Why did the Irish Republican Army (IRA)engaged in terrorist attacks?

The IRA engaged the occupying British forces militarily to create a situation in which the British people would desire the removal of the forces.

How did the british respond to the attacks of native Americans?

The British soldiers secretly supplied the Native American's with weapons in hopes that they would become allies and fight together.