

What did the Confederate and Union troops wear?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Confederate-Gray Union-Blue

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Q: What did the Confederate and Union troops wear?
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Confederates had the grey clothing.

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The union troops attacked the southern position on the missionary ridge and defeated the Confederate troops driving them out of their cover.

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The Confederate troops won so many more battles in the East because the Union troops were poorly trained and poorly outfitted. Also, the Confederate troops had better generals than the Union troops had.

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The Union troops were able to defeat the Confederate troops that had invaded the North

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The impact of Rebel raids and guerrilla operations on Union troops was significant. One example is the situation in January of 1863. At that time, the Union had to deploy 51,000 troops to thwart the activities of 13,000 Confederate troops that endangered Union lines of supply and communications in northern Mississippi.

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It prevented Texas supplies from reaching Confederate troops.

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Lots of Confederate and Union troops alike

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Pickett's orders were to break the union defensive line.

What was the goal of general Pickett and his confederate troops when charged union troops on cemetery ridge?

To cut the Union line in half to force them to retreat.