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How to use stronger metals such as iron for weapenry

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Q: What did the Hittites teach Assyrian's that helped make their armies stronger?
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What technological innovation helped the Assyrians army most?

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What helped the Hittites excel in war?

Iron weapons

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Armies helped control more territory.

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because it helped Assyrians conquer their enemies

What are two technologies that helped the Hittites build the empire?

1: Chariots 2: Iron weapons

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1U.S.A.2China3Russia4India5U.K.6France7Germany8Brazil9Japan10TurkeyThese are considered to be the top 10 armies in the world.Hope this helped!

Why was the Assyrians empire achievement important?

It was the first real empire ever established. Hope that helped.

What are two technology that helped the Hittites build their empire?

1: Chariots 2: Iron weapons

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cause he is epic

Why does the discovery of the tomb at nimrud give archaeologists a balanced picture of the ancient Assyrians?

The discoveries of the tomb at Nimrud gave archaeologists a more balanced picture of the Assyrians because the tombs helped them see how their characteristics were. The tomb also helped Archaeologists to see how the way people lived.