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Q: What did the Irish the poles and Slavic minorities in the Balkans and Austria Hungary have in common?
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Which countries have Slavic-speaking minorities?

Germany and Austria have Slavic-speaking minority groups.

Why did the Russians support the Slavic people against Austria-Hungary?

The Slavic people were the same ethnic group as the Russians, so they wanted to support them against Austria-Hungary, whom Russia was fighting land for.

Did Russia and Austria Hungary came into conflict because Russia was an ally of Serbia?

Yes. Russia entered a regional conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia to protect its fellow Slavic nation.

How did Serbia and Russia feel about each other in World War 1?

Russia, being the largest and most powerful of all the Slavic countries, was viewed as the protector of all the Slavic people. When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia retaliated against Austria-Hungary to assist their Slavic bretheren.

Why did the Russians support the Slavic people against Austria?

The Slavic people were the same ethnic group as the Russians, so they wanted to support them against Austria-Hungary, whom Russia was fighting land for.

How did ethnic diversity and rising nationalism contribute to the decline of Austria-Hungary?

The rising nationalism in Serbia created conflict with Austria-Hungary who had annexed Bosnia & Herzegovina, both slavic speaking states. Serbia wanted to create a single unified slavic empire so they looked to the Russians for military support. This ultimately led to the decline of Austria-Hungary.

Which Balkan state most threatened the unity of the Austrian Hungarian empire?

Serbia. It wanted to create a Slavic empire and some Slavic states were in Austria-Hungary.

During World War 1 what organization worked for Slavic independence in Austria-Hungary?

The black hand gang

What impact did Serbia sence of nationalism have on tensions in Europe prior to world war 1?

Serbian nationalism increased tensions within Europe before World War I. Serbia wanted to create a pan-Slavic state in the Balkans which included Bosnia-Herzegovina, held by Austria-Hungary. Serbia was allied with Russia and Austria was allied with Germany. Russia allied with France. A war between Serbia and Austria threatened to involve the whole of Europe.

What events triggered world war?

The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. He was killed by Gavrillo Princip, a slavic nationalist in Sarahevo, Bosnia in 1914. Austria-Hungary used this as an excuse to invade Bosnia.

Why did Austria join the crimean war?

Austria joined the Crimean war because it feared it's 43% Slavic population (by ethinicity, culture or language) would rebel as they had in the revolutions of 1848 when Russia, "mother of the Slavs," invaded the Balkans.

What was the reason for WWI?

It started from nationalism with Seriba. They wanted to gain the Balkan peninsula because of the population of Slavic people. Russia supported the Serbian nationalism, because Russia itself was a Slavic nation. Austra-hungary disliked this idea, worrying that a Slavic state would stir rebellion among their Slavic population. Austria-Hungary annexed the Balkans. This angered Serbia. The final straw was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. He was heir to the Austro-hungarian throne. He and his wife, Sophia, visited the capital of Bosnia. As they rode through the streets, they were shot at close range by a member of the Black Hand, a secret society committed to ridding Bosnia of Austrian rule. Austria-Hungary issued a letter to Serbia stating that they were to respect the Great powers decision regarding the Balkans. The letter also aimed demands at preventing publication of propaganda that would advocate violence, removing people behind the propaganda in the Serbian Military, arresting people on Serbian soil who were involved with the assassination plot, and preventing secret shipments of arms and explosives from Serbia to Austria-Hungary. Serbia agreed to some demands, but offered to have several others settled by and international conference. Austria rejected Serbia's offer and declared war. Russia, an ally of Serbia, mobilized troops toward the Austrian Border.