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I don’t really know but you can still see the once I can do

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sonia basra

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Q: What did the Japanese always look toward as a food source?
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An amoeba moving toward a food source is what?

Using a microscope, you observe an amoeba moving toward a food source. This is an example of responsiveness. Endocytosis produces a structure called a food vesicle.

Is Japanese knotweed dangerous?

No it is not it is a source of anti oxidents and is used in Japan as food!

Is teriyaki Chinese?

No.Teriyaki is Japanese. Although there are similar flavors (with suger, soy source,rice wine) in Chinese food, but they are boiled and more spicy than Japanese. "-yaki" means grill. So, "teriyaki" is grilled food.

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Plants are always the base of any food chain.

What is animal food in Japanese?

Animal food in Japanese is..... Esa

What is the word food in Japanese?

フード is the Japanese word for food.

Who the most eat Japanese food?

By virtue of the fact that Japanese food is inherently Japanese, it would be fair to say that the people of Japan eat the most Japanese food.

Who developed Japanese food?

the Japanese

What did samurais eat?

Samurais often ate simple food that consisted of rice, vegetables, soybeans, fish, seaweed and fruit. Japanese food was mainly always nutritious.

Why do the Japanese have a special connection to the sea?

Japan is an island nation. Much of their food and livelihood is a product of the ocean. By the same token, it is also a source of danger.

What is the source of pesticides in the food items?

the source of pesticides in our food items is mainly the rough agricultural practices and use o concentrated pesticides and fertilisers which are used for a better yield

Is Japanese food healthful?

The traditional Japanese food is very healthy. But just because its Japanese, it doesn't mean its the healthiest.