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Many tribes referred to this continent as 'Turtle Island'.

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Both of the terms 'Mother Earth' and 'Father Sky' come from various Native American languages.

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Q: What did the Native Americans call North America?
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What piece of land did the native Americans call turtle Island?

The one between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans; most call this North America.

Why do you call Indians Native Americans?

Because when Columbus got here, he had the silly notion that he arrived in India, so he called them Indians. We call them the more politically correct, Native Americans, because technically, they are not from India, henceforth no Indians. They were also 'native' to this country which we call America, so they are Native Americans.

What did Native Americans call January's full moon?

north moon

Where did the first settlers in north America come from?

Actually, the first Americans came from asia. These are the people we know as Native Americans. They crossed over to North America by a land bridge. They did not know this was a land bridge, though. They were simply following the herds of animals that they hunted. Then came the English settlers. These people wanted to claim America, even though the Native Americans were already living here! By now, the Native Americans had found there way through what we now call Canada, the U.S., Mexico, and South America.

Why are the natives in the US called Native-Americans?

They are called Native-Americans because they were native to the land we now call America. In other words, they had lived there long before we discovered it.

Native tribe is from America?

ALL Native American tribes are from 'America' . that's why they call us NATIVE AMERICANS :) ..... meaning we were native to America BEFORE it was America. not native peruvians, etc........ to my knowledge there are a little over 300 tribes who are federally recognized at this time.

What do you call native people of north America and Greenland 6 letters?


Where the first American come from?

Actually, the first Americans came from Asia. These are the people we know as Native Americans. They crossed over to North America by a land bridge. They did not know this was a land bridge, though. They were simply following the herds of animals that they hunted. Then came the English settlers. These people wanted to claim America, even though the Native Americans were already living here! By now, the Native Americans had found there way through what we now call Canada, the U.S., Mexico, and South America.

What did Native Americans call buffalos?

the native americans call the buffalo tatanka. the white buffalo is sacred to the native americans.

Which name to they prefer - Native Americans or Indians?

Native Americans 1). Not to screw up the naming from the Indians from India or "Dots" I like to call them while Native Americans are the "feathers" (Two nicknames I came up with on my own!). 2). They are Native to America and are the first known population to live in the land we now call today the USA.

What did the White people call the Indians?

Native Americans in S. America and N. America including Central America, in India we just call them Indians. We call Native Americans indians because columbus made the critical mistake of thinking he landed on the sub-continent of India for a new spice trade with the Indians and called them natives "Indians" due to this mistake.

Did Native Americans call America the New World?

Turtle Island... lol google knows everything... :P