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There have been several fundamentalist Islamist regimes such as the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Ayatollahs in Iran, and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

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Q: What did the Radical Islamists take over?
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Do radical Islamists know Americans are onto their massive conspiracy involving the secret Sufi Majid's radical mosques?

Answer 1They do now.Answer 2Believe what you choose to believe, there are no radical islamists, they are just a figment of you're imagination, created so you can occupy yourselves with something and so you can corrupt everyone's minds against Islam. But you are not succeding in this. If it keeps you happy, you can carry on amusing yourself with fictional fantasies but know that you will be questioned.Answer 3While Radical Islamists do exist (sorry Answer 2), they are a small minority do not have some sort of master conspiracy with the Sufis. Any American who is "aware" of this conspiracy is deluding himself and cannot face the actual threat from those who oppose the USA.

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easy, lets take radical negative 3 for example. you can take out a "i" because i = the radical negative one. There fore the answer is i radical 3.

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