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Q: What did the US do in retaliation against Iran?
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Why did the US give Saddam Hussein WMDs?

At the time, Iran was a bigger threat to the US, and giving Iran another strong enemy to worry about would help US in it's machinations against Iran.

Why does the US not care about Iran after the 1980's?

because of Islamic revolution in Iran which is against white house goals

According to the catharsis hypothesis retaliating against someone who provokes us can calm us down because retaliation?

Relieves aggressive urges

What event turned Americans against Iran?

Americans turned against Iran when Iranian rebels held 54 US Embassy officials hostage for over 400 days.

What the foreign policy the US called for in the event of a soviet attack?

Massive retaliation.

Why isn't Iran in world peace?

Iran has not attacked or invaded any countries for a very long time. The US media shout that Iran is against peace, yet the US has bombed people in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in Pakistan. That is why Iran isn't in world peace: the US has surrounded it with militant terrorists.

What is the us doing to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon?

The US has imposed trade restrictions against Iran in hope of pressuring their government to abandon its attempts to build nuclear weapons.

In 1980 Iraq attacked Iran?

in retaliation for Khomeini's attempts to provoke Shiites in Iraq to overthrow the Iraqi government.

Should the US be able to pursuing military against Iran?

Not unless Iran presents a clear and present danger to the soveriegn security of the United States. Which it doesn't.