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There may be some scholarship that refutes this, but I believe that gay couple adoption was unheard of around the time of the founding of the US. In fact, there probably was no formal state structure to hand adoptions. More than likely this was a family matter that rarely if ever had to advance to court action.

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Q: What did the US founders think about gay couple adoption?
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Does Florida legally allow for gay couple adoptions?

Yes. As of September 22, 2010, gay adoption in Florida is now legal.

Do state laws differentiate in accepting same sex parent adoption?

Today, more and more gay couples are foregoing the secrecy and adopting openly as a homosexual couple. LGBT parents face an uphill battle in many areas of the country. Utah for example, prohibits adoption by couples who are cohabitating but not legally married . Utah does not allow gay marriage, making it almost impossible for a gay couple to jointly adopt a child. Mississippi will allow a gay individual to adopt but does not allow adoption by same-sex couples while Florida doesn't allow gay adoption at all - whether as an individual or a couple. And while the laws in other states might not be so clear cut, many areas still have a distinct bias against gay adoption.

What causes gay adoption to be a problem?

There are no problems specific to gay adoption that aren't also present in adoptions by straight people, other than state-sanctioned discrimination against the gay couple (or person) trying to adopt. In other words, gay people become the same good adoptive parents as straight people do.

What are the legal aspects of gay adoption?

Gay adoption is legal in all 50 states, but laws vary greatly regarding joint adoption and step-parent adoption.

Why is gay adoption not child abuse?

Child abuse only exists when a child is being harmed. As long as the gay couple who wishes to adopt treats their child with love and care and respect, that child is not being abused.

Are there different rights on gay adoption then a normal adoption?

Gay adoption is normal adoption. It's just as normal as any other kind of adoption. Also, in the United States, we don't have different rights for gay people adopting vs straight people adopting.

What is Marco Rubio's stand on Florida's anti-gay adoption law?

As of December 2013, Marco Rubio opposes gay adoption.

What are the rules for gay adoption in the US?

Adoption law varies by state, but in the US, all 50 states allow gay people to adopt, though as of 2017, gay people are still routinely denied adoption based on discrimination.

What is lgbt adoption?

LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transexual. An LGBT adoption is one where the adopter is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transexual.

Would adoption be the best option for you?

Whether or not adoption would be the best option for a person would depend on many things. If a gay couple wants a child, this may be the best way for them to have one. Also, couples who have trouble having a child naturally may also see adoption as an option.

What articles are there for opposing gay adoption other than blogs?

Other than blogs, you'll be hard-pressed to find well-thought articles with reputable news sources opposing gay adoption, since gay adoption is very healthy and beneficial to society.

Why is gay adoption wrong?

Gay adoption is not wrong. There are many psychological studies of children raised by male couples and female couples and they show that gay parents are as capable of raising healthy, happy, children as heterosexual couples are.