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A rabbit skin coat

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Q: What did the Van Daans sell for 325 florins?
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Related questions

How much money did the Van Daans get for selling the rabbit skin coat?

The Van Daans received 60 Dutch guilders for selling the rabbit skin coat.

What year did the Van Daans join the Franks in the secret annex?

The Van Daans joined the Franks in the secret annex in 1942.

What was mr van daans nickname?

His nickname is Putti, named by his wife (Mrs.Van Daan

Who is mrs van daans son?

Peter van Pels/van Daan.

Where did the Van Daans sleep?

The Van Daans slept in the room adjacent to the Frank family in the Secret Annex during their time in hiding.

What camp were the Franks and Van Daans sent to?


What event made Mrs Frank threaten to put the Van Daans out on the street?

Mrs. Frank threatened to put the Van Daans out on the street when Mr. Van Daan stole food rations and lied about it. This incident happened during their time hiding in the Secret Annex during World War II.

What is MrVann Daans first name?

MrVann Daans first name was Hermann. His full name was Hermann Van Pels.

What was mr van daans previous occupation?

He was a butcher

Why is Anne interested in the van daans argument?

Anne is interested in the Van Daans' arguments because they stimulate her curiosity and provide her with differing perspectives and insights. Engaging in debates with the Van Daans helps Anne to develop her own thoughts and opinions, fostering intellectual growth and deepening her understanding of the world around her.

What contact do the Franks and Van Daans have with the outside world?

a radio

What caused Petronella van daans death?

Concentration Camp.