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Freedom of Religion

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Q: What did the Virginia Declaration of Rights was MOST influential in the creation of?
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Who called the first American bill of rights?

The Virginia Declaration of Rights

What was the Virginia declaration of rights a model for?

The Virginia Declaration of Rights was a model for the Bill of Rights.

Whats the difference between Virginia Declaration of Rights and Declaration of Rights?

There is a difference

When was Virginia Declaration of Rights created?

All men are born equally free and independent, and have certain inherit natural rights... among which are enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety...George Mason was the key architect and he wrote it in 1776. Jefferson used the Virginia Declaration of Rights as the basis for the Declaration of Independence, as well as the quote aboveACTUALLY, it was George Mason. NOT James Madison, like the previous person wrote.

Who called the first Bill of Rights?

The Virginia Declaration of Rights

Wow wrote the Virginia decaration of rights?

James Madison is the author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights

What is the Virginia declaration of rights is a model for?


Called the first American bill of rights?

The Virginia Declaration of Rights

What was the Declaration of Independence based on?

The Virginia Declaration of rights written by George Mason

How are the Virginia declaration of rights similar to the declaration of independence?

they are both important documents

Which early document served as a model for The Bill of Rights?

Virginia's Declaration of Rights was the example used to draft the United States first Bill of Rights. George Mason drafted this early Virginia document.

When was the VA declaration of rights written?

On June 12th, 1776, the Virginia Declaration of Rights was written by George Mason.