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Q: What did the acronym SWAG stand for in the Vietnam war?
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What does WOPR stand for?

It is an acronym for War Operation Plan Response.

What did D.M.Z stand for in the Vietnam war?

Demilitarized Zone

What did R and R stand for in the Vietnam war?

Rest and Relaxzation

What did the word Zulu stand for during the Vietnam War?

A casualty report

What were the causes of the Vietnam war for an 11 year old to under stand?

Vietnam was part of the cold war. The cold war was a military stand-off between two sets of nations with two different ways of life. Part of the cold war: Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war. A war generally consists of a series of battles. Cold war=no deaths, no shooting Hot war=shooting and killing

What are the effects of the conflict on the world in the Vietnam war?

The Vietnam War demonstrated to the world, that the US would make a stand against communist aggression. The loss of South Vietnam was a temporary blow to US morale.

What does the acronym MAINS stand for in reference to World War 1?

Militiarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism S--??

What is the significance of the eight trees planted around the Vietnam memorial?

These eight trees stand for the eight woman that died in the Vietnam war.

What is a acronym for the Vietnam war?

An acronym is letters that make up a word, such as M.A.S.H; a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital. Vietnam had "nick-names", such as "the Nam", "in country" (an official word used when inprocessing new personnel), "Indian Country" (usually to denote hostile-dangerous territory within certain regions of Vietnam, such as northern I Corps areas), etc.

What does the Acronym PADD stand for?

Person Authorized to Direct Disposition of Remains On Star Trek, PADD is an acronym for Personal Access Display Device. In the US in World War 2, PADD was an acronym for Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts.

What does the German acronym FLAK stand for?

The German acronym FLAK stands for Flugzeug Abwehr Kanone in German which means antiaircraft fire. The term was used during World War II by the Luftwaffe.

Why was the Vietnam war called the cold war?

Vietnam was a shooting war (a hot war). A cold war is a NON-shooting war; a cold war is a "stand-off" between two (or more) adversaries. Technically, Vietnam, being part of the cold war...communism verses the free world...the Vietnam War was a "Hot BATTLE" of the cold war.