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Q: What did the allies support the whites?
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What colors symbolize the Civil War in Russia?

Red for the Bolsheviks and Whites for those who opposed them ( the church, the monarchists, the allies gave some support and also some of the empire's foreign states like Ukraine)

How did Virginia laws support slavery?

it seperated the races treating non whites as less than whites

Why did Americans support allies?

zimmerman telegraph

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Yes, it was a policy of support for the Allies.

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People who support tigers like me.

Who suported Germany support in world war 2?

If you mean who Germany's allies were. Japan, Austria, and spain were their biggest allies.

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Who did the US support in World War 1?

the allies Britain and France

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Southern farmers Populists Southern whites

How did support for the allies change following Roosevelt's reelection?

Support increased; Congress approved the Lend-Lease Act.

How did the support for the allies change following Roosevelt's reelection?

Support increased; Congress approved the Lend-Lease Act.

Why did slaveholders try to convince poor whites that slavery was justified?

needed their political support