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Q: What did the ancients Greeks explain the concept of gravity?
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orthodox religion

Why did the Greeks develop myths?

The Greeks used myths to explain events that they did not understand.

The concept of philosophy is attributed to the?

Ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who coined the term "philosophy" to mean "love of wisdom." He is considered one of the early pioneers in the field of philosophy and is credited with shaping its early development.

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The Greeks contributed to democracy through concepts like citizen participation, rule of law, and assemblies. Hammurabi's Code influenced modern legal systems with its establishment of laws and punishments, setting a precedent for justice and order. Both cultures played a role in shaping the foundations of democracy through their ideas and systems of governance.

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Experimentation. They thought it was too hard work, therefore beneath them.

How do the Greeks explain emotions?

by having fun

What was mythology used for in ancient Greece?

They are the religion of the ancient Greeks.

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cause it is

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Who is the god of gravity in greek mythology?

There was no god of gravity since the Greeks did not know about gravity. Atlas kind of acted like gravity by holding the earth up. He was not a god, but a Titan.

Before Herodotus how did Greeks tell their past?

The Greeks told myths to tell stories of the past or they used ledgends

When was magnetism discorvered?

Magnetism was known to ancients. Magnetism has always been with us, just like gravity. No single person is give credit for its discovery, and there is no specific date set on its first identification. The Greeks wrote of it in the 6th century BC, and there are accounts from the 5th and 4th centuries BC in both India and China.