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Black Death helped to end feudalism. It also helped to end influence of church over common people.

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Q: What did the black death help bring an end to in Europe?
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Which empire do historians believed help spread the Black Death?

many believe that Mongols did. Rats and fleas carried the virus that devistated a third of Europe.

Where can you get help for the black death?

A Hospital

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Northern Europe

How did the Black death help lead to the end of the federal system and propel Europe into the age of discovery?

the rats must of died or someone might of found a cure for it

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DΓΌrer traveled twice to Italy, and used printmaking to bring Renaissance ideas to other artists in Norther Europe.

Why doctors in Europe so unable to do much to help those people who had become sick with the Black Death?

Medieval doctors did not know about microorganisms, and since they had no idea what caused the Plague, they had no idea as to how to help its victims.

Did animals help save europe from the plague?

Rats and their flees helped spread I don't think animals in general helped prevent it. And Europe wasn't saved from the plague.. 50percent of its population died of it. Wiki 'black death'.

Did vaccine against the black death help?

No. There is no vaccine against the Black Death. Antibiotics usually help if it is diagnosed in time, but they were not developed until the middle of the 20th century.

Did sitting next to a fire during the black death help?


How did the political structure help to bring feudalism to Europe and japan?

By naturally organizing it into a specialized and functional society.