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The Blackfeet were a plains tribe. They had winter and summer camps while following the buffalo herds. One of the most valuable things to the Blackfoot warrior was the horse. The number of horses owned equaled power and esteem within the tribe. In war a Blackfoot brave carried a stick called a "cou" stick. The purpose of the stick was to first tap his enemies and ride by. After this was done he would fight/kill his enemy. The last Blackfoot to do this was a WW2 infantry soldier in the Pacific where he counted cou against a Japanese soldier. To get credit for the cou in all cases it has to be witnessed by another person. A custom of the tribe was to rename a child at 10 years old. The child could choose his/her name for the rest of their adult life. Young boys were trained by an uncle rather than a father and the girls by their mothers. The buffalo played a great role in the life of the tribe by providing food, clothing, and religious items. When the United States government began to kill off the buffalo on purpose they affected the life of all the plains tribes including the Blackfoot. People were starving and add the " Indian removal act" the tribes were forced onto reservations. The home area of the Blackfoot was the Black Hills in the Dakotas. This was special territory to them and had been granted to them by treaty, but when gold was found there the treaty was broken. They ended up loosing the Black Hills, moved onto reservations, and no longer allowed to hunt buffalo. The children were removed to government schools until they were adults and didn't know the traditions, language, or ways of the tribe.

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They lived in tepees made of tepee poles.

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