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Q: What did the boat get stuck on in Noah in the flood?
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What was Noah's occupation?

The Bible does not mention his occupation pre-flood, but after the deluge, Noah was involved in agricultural pursuits.

What is Noah's ride?

Noah's ride is the Ark, a large wooden boat built to save himself, his family, and pairs of every kind of animal from a great flood in the Biblical story of Noah's Ark.

What does the floodwater in the story of noah's ark represent?

The floodwater doesn't "represent" anything. Noah's Ark is not a fictional story we tell little kids. Noah really lived, he really built a boat, and there really was a flood.

From what disaster did the ark save Noah?

ark saved Noah from the disaster of the flood.

Who made a boat and kept all species in it in bible?

Noah built an "ark" and took in all species until the flood ended.

How old was noah when flood came?

Noah was 600 years old when the flood waters came.

What was Noah's job?

After the flood Noah grew a vineyard.

What age was Noah when the flood began?

According to the bible in Genesis , at the time of the flood Noah was 600 years old.

What year did Noah make the boat?

Noah's boat was built in about 5000 BC

Did the story of Noah's flood come from the Epic of Gilgamesh?

Certainly the story of Noah's Flood is remarkably similar to the Flood story of Umapishtim in the much older Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh. On that evidence, the Epic of Gilgamesh is the most likely source for the story of Noah's Flood.

Who saved the people from the flood?

If you're asking about the great Flood in Noah's time, it was God who preserved the lives of Noah and his family.

What was Noah's adulthood?

After the flood Noah was a farmer and he grew grapes in a vineyard.