

Best Answer

There wasn't one. the car wasn't invented until the late 1800's.

Updated Answer:

That's correct Nicolas Joseph Cugnat built a steam powered Automobile in 1769, maybe things would be different if steam vehicles had been directly developed since then till now. Steam played an important part of the industrial revolution but not in the automobile industry shame. If steam powered cars were developed what would cars look like now.

History affects the now this is an example

Updated Answer:

A clever question, and a tricky one!

Father Ferdinand Verbiest designed a "toy" sized vehicle for the emperor of China in 1672. I use the word "toy" loosely only because it was small like one and it wasn't designed to carry any passengers nor even a lone driver. Instead, it resembled something of a flat carriage. However, in place of a horse, you have another wheel. This "fifth wheel" was attached to the carriage by a fork (Think of a bicycle fork). By this design, it would be very easy to attach a string to the front wheel fork and guide the vehicle, or simply remove the fifth wheel and raise the fork to steer the vehicle from the carriage platform if it were larger.

To power the vehicle, Verbiest used steam from a ball-shaped boiler, which was mounted to the center of the platform. A pipe carried the steam to a turbine located at the rear. This turbine, I think looked something like a watermill laid flat on a stick. Anyway, the turbine turned the stick, and the stick turned the rear wheels.

To call this a "car" would be sort of misleading, as it was too small to carry anyone in it. However, since the boiler would have to be larger to supply enough constant heat to create the steam, and everything else proportionately larger as well, it's possible this vehicle was a model rather than a toy. But, who knows? I for one wouldn't want to drive down an old Chinese dirt road with fire and boiling water teetering at my back.

A picture of the 1672 car is in wikipedia simply google "A picture of Ferdinand Verbiest' car"Is steam the future.

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If you're talking about steam cars, it was 1672.

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1672. Trust me, I done my research!

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There is record of a steam powered car being built in China around 1672.

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