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Here's a quote from astronaut Frank Borman: "I was teaching at West Point when Sputnik was announced. ... The Cold War was a very real thing and there was a very great concern of a nuclear exchange and all of a sudden this country that was our real enemy had jumped the gun and launched a satellite, and it was an enormous impact. The [American] public began to question our educational system, they questioned the Eisenhower administration. It was a time of very, very serious self-doubt across the whole society"

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Q: What did the citizens of the US think about the space race?
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What year did the US enter the race to get into space?

President Kennedy entered the US into the space race in 1961.

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Russia and us the United States were Involved in the space race

Why was the space program called the space race?

Because it was a "race" between the USSR and the US to reach space milestones first.

When did the space race happen?

The space race was when the us and the ussr tried to get the newest equipment into space. It happened between 1957 and 1975.

What event launch the space race between the US and Russian?

When Russia sent his fist manned mission into space, that marked the beginning of the space race between US and Russia.

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Why do you think the us space program should continue?

I think the space program should continue when the USA has a balanced budget, $0 national deficit, no unemployment, and equal education & health care for all citizens.

Did the US or the USSR win the space race?

The United States won the space race by landing Neil Armstrong on the moon.

Which two nations had a space race?

During the Cold War, the space race took place between the US and the USSR.

Was the space race was between US and France?

No..The US and the Soviet Union.