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Q: What did the colonist do in response to the intolerable act?
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The Intolerable Acts

Was William Legge pro colonist?

No, William was a supporter of the Quebec Act and Intolerable Act.

Why did the colonist call the coercive act the intolerable act?

it was another tax it was a slap in the face the colonists were angry

How does the Boston tea party leads to intolerable act?

The boston tea party led to the intolerable act because the colonist when on the britist boat that had tea and the colonist throw the tea off board. the britist couldn't do anything the goverment was the only one who could stop the colonist. later when the goverment found out they had to punish them so they passed the intolerable acts with means british soilers could come in colonist home for free and colonist could do nothing.

Why did the colonist call the coercive act the intolerable?

it was another tax it was a slap in the face the colonists were angry

How did different groups respond to The Intolerable Acts?

The colonist got mad about the Stamp Act, the Tax on tea, and the Suger Act

Why did the colonist call the coercive act The Intolerable Acts?

it was another tax it was a slap in the face the colonists were angry

Why did the colonist call the coercive acts the intolerable act?

it was another tax it was a slap in the face the colonists were angry

These acts were passed in response to the tea party?

AnswerThe Intolerable act was passed.

What effect did the intolerable act have on the colonist?

This happens to be quite a stupid question, in fact it doesn't even make sense

What were the other two Intolerable Acts?

The first of the Intolerable Acts was the Boston Port Act, a direct response to the Boston Tea Party. The Acts that followed were the Massachusetts Government Act, the Administration of Justice Act, and the Quartering Act.