

Best Answer
A:Jesus took Peter, James and John up into a high mountain, where his appearance changed, and they saw him talking to two strangers and heard the voice of God. Somehow, the disciples knew without question that the strangers talking to Jesus were Moses and Elijah.

Read literally, the sole reason for this journey was to let the three disciples see Jesus talking to Moses and Elijah, yet they learnt nothing from the experience and were even instructed to tell no one. In spite of this life-changing event, and its absolute proof that Jesus was the Messiah, Peter went on to deny Jesus. If the Transfiguration ever happened, this shows that the disciples still did not understand that Jesus was the Messiah. It must be that they were less sure of who the strangers were than is suggested in the gospel story. Why the disciples even thought the men were Moses and Elijah is not stated.

Another Answer:

Not only were the masses of Jews under an incorrect concept of the role of the Messiah (Matthew 8:4; 12:16), the Apostles themselves were confused as to who Jesus truly was and whether His coming was for liberation at their time or at some future time (a conquering King or a suffering servant). Most likely with this in mind, Jesus gave the three Apostles a preview of the Coming Kingdom of God and told them not to speak of this event until His Resurrection - as this would only confuse them even more than they already were.

As Jesus was 'changed' or transfigured into a radiant, glorious figure, He is joined by Moses who represents the Law and Elijah represents the first of the great Prophets. Their presence indicated that the OT Scripture had been looking forward to the Messiah and His Kingdom - which Jesus was. Then the Father's voice from Heaven speaks the same words of approval that He spoke when Jesus was baptised in Matthew 3:17 and refers to Psalm 2:7. The Father commands the three to 'Hear Him' which appears to reflect Deuteronomy 18:15.

Lastly, Jesus explains the prophecy of Malachi 3:1; 4:5; 6 of an Elijah-type coming first in the person of John the Baptist before the Messiah leading the Way, yet with many prophecies in Scripture this too is dual as can be discerned from the phrase 'will restore all things.' There will apparently be another Elijah-type just before the 2nd Coming.

Even today, some Jewish groups believe the Messiah will come as a man from among them and will be a conqueror (lion). Ironically, this is now true of Jesus' 2nd Coming - but He will be the Spiritual Son of God. His first coming was as a suffering servant (fully human) to be humbly given up as our sacrifice (lamb) to cleanse the sins of all mankind.

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Q: What did the disciples not understand after the Transfiguration of Jesus?
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