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By the fourth century, the four gospels to be included in the New Testament had been decided, although many Christians were still gnostic and therefore had very different beliefs about Jesus than did the Catholic-Orthodox Christians. Persecution resulted in the near-demise of gnostic Christianity by the end of the fourth century.

The nature of Jesus had not yet been decided, and much of the fourth century was spent in resolving what the Trinity meant and whether Jesus was equal to God the Father. At this stage, the infamous filioque clause had not yet been added to the Nicene Creed, making a subtle change to the source of the Holy Spirit.

Emperor Constantine would certainly not have been typical of other fourth-century Christians, but some say he seems to have seen Jesus as an incarnation of the sun god. Constantine sent his mother, Helena, to Palestine, where she found what she claimed to be relics of Jesus, including the 'true cross', and the various sites associated with events in his life. These sites are now places of pilgrimage for many devout Christians.

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Q: What did the fourth century Christians believe about Jesus?
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