

What did the incas look like?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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9y ago

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Although the Incas inhabitant the Peruvian and South American countries, they were American Indians. The facial characteristics probably resemblance the South American people of the region today.

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What can we look at to find out about the incas?

To learn about the Incas, you can study archaeological sites such as Machu Picchu, historic texts like the "Chronicles of the Inca," and artifacts like pottery and textiles. Additionally, research on Inca society, politics, religion, and achievements can provide valuable insights into their culture.

How did the incas homes look like?

Inca's homes where made from clay bricks and were very sturdy. They often had slanted, grass roofs on their homes.

Any beliefs that the Incas have?

yes there is one but they have only figured out half of it. It is like a mystery to the discoverrers of the ancient incas.

What did the Incas believe in?

they believe in all the elements on earth like sun, thunder and others.

What do incas look like?

The Inca people are small in stature and have dark skin, black hair, and dark brown eyes. They are still living today and with their Spanish ancestry, they look similar to Mexican people.

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Was was the incas architecture?

stone like buildings an observatories

What was Incas society like?

the society was in a dark cold age . the spanish had brought what they call smallpox and the incas had been wiped out by the spanish exansion. in other words the incas were defeated and their empire collapsed .

What do the Maya and incas have in common?

what the Mayas and Incas have in common is that the are good at making gold , they are also were good at making empire and things like that .

Who did the Incas interact with?

incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody incas interact with other incas and animals posted by Cody