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Q: What did the inuit put in there houses?
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Do inuit Indian tribes have council houses?

No They do not have council houses

What are the Inuit houses like?


What kind of houses do the Inuit people live in?

They live in regular houses.

What kind of houses do the inuit live in?

Today's Inuit people live in regular houses like you and me but in the past they usually lived in igloos or land tents.

How did the Inuit men make houses?

houses with wood or stones.igloos with snow and ice

When the inuit people lived in houses what were they made out of?

most houses were made out of wood and carvings

What year did the Inuit start living in houses?


What houses did the inuit live in?

Igloos cabins tents

Who lived in houses made from blocks of packed snow?

The Inuit

What did the Inuits live in?

Years ago the Inuit built many types of houses. Inuit who lived near coasts built homes from sod and whale bones or rocks. Some Inuit stretched caribou skins over a wooden frame to make their homes. Some put summer tents made of seal skins. Inuit used used snow houses mainly while hunting. Today, most Inuit live in modern wooden houses.

What type of houses do the Inuit live in?

A house made out of earth or an igloo

What were the roles of the inuit men?

The men's roles were to hunt, fish, and build houses.