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Matzah (unleavened bread):

Matzah represents two things:

  1. The poor food eaten by our ancestors as Egyptian slaves, the alternate name for matzah is 'bread of affliction'.
  2. When the moment of liberation came, it was so sudden, they didn't have time to let their bread rise before baking it.

Maror (bitter herbs):

Maror symbolises the bitterness of slavery.


The final plague HaShem sent to the Egyptians was the death of firstborn sons. To mark their homes, the Israelites were commanded to slaughter a lamb and paint the blood on the door posts of their home. There was a second reason for slaughtering lambs and using their blood. The Egyptians worshiped lambs as one of their gods. By slaughtering the lambs, the Israelites showed their rejection of the Egyptian false gods. In addition to using the lambs' blood to mark their doors, the Israelites were required to roast the meat and eat all of it. While the Temple stood, families would slaughter a lamb as an offering of thanks to HaShem, again, they were required to roast and eat all of the meat. Today, Ashkenazi Jews do not traditionally eat lamb for Pesach (Passover) while Sephardi Jews often do.

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Q: What did the lamb bitter herbs and unloved bread mean on Passover night?
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What do Jews eat for Passover?

roasted lamb,flat bread,rotten egg and bitter herbs

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The bitter herbs on Passover symbolise the bitter taste of slavery and affliction.

Why do Jewish people eat bitter herbs?

On the night of passover Jewish people eat bitter herbs to remember when the Iseralites were slaves in egypt (bitter herbs because it was a bitter part of their life) hope this helped :)

What did the israelites eat on the last day?

Along with roasted lamb and unleavened bread, the Israelites were to eat bitter herbs on the first night of Passover (Exodus 12:8).

What was the meal eaten in haste by Moses and the Israelites called?

The meal was called the Passover or Pessach and involved both lamb, bitter herbs and unleavened bread, as indeed it still does today.

Is the bitter herbs bitter?

yes.that's why it's called a bitter herb. Most Jews use horseradish for this part of the Passover ritual meal.

What is done on the night of Passover?

Cleaning the home of regular bread and bread products and shopping for Kosher for Passover foods.

What does bitter herbs represent in Passover?

The bitter herbs (maror) symbolize the harsh slavery which the Israelites suffered in Egypt.See also the Related Link.More about Passover and its symbolic foods

What did the horse radish represent on the passover seder meal?

THE MAROR or "Bitter Herbs" (usually horseradish) is placed in the middle of the Seder dish and symbolises the Jew's' bitter suffering under the Egyptian yoke. directly below is the chazoreth, another piece of bitter herbs (or radish) commemorating the custom of eating maror sandwiched between two pieces of the matzoh. Hope i helped! If you didn't understand here is the simple version: symbolises the Jew's' bitter suffering under the Egyptian yoke. :)

What vegetables can you eat over passover?

Bitter herbs.

Why do Jew's have horseradish on Passover?

The main reason Jews eat Matzoh in Passover to commemorate the Jews' exodus from Egypt. Since the Jews were forced to leave in a haste they hadn't had time to wait for the bread dough to rise and as a result the bread was flat. Therefore, Jews eat Matzoh to remember the exodus. Jews start eating Matzoh on the first night of Passover at the Seder meal until the end of passover. All other products made of grains are prohibited during the holiday, but some secular Jews do not abide by this prohibition. This is one of the Jewish customs in Passover that symbolizes freedom and humility for the Jewish people.

What is the food is eaten on Passover?

On Passover, no leavened bread can be eaten. Many people have the custom not to eat legumes because their flour looks very similar or sometimes a little grain may get mixed into them.