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Large ammounts of buffalo meat.

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Q: What did the large amount of buffalo hunting in Texas lead to?
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Were Comanche Indians stationary?

The Comanche were typical Plains buffalo-hunting nomads, constantly moving in search of buffalo and other large game animals.

Do male lions play a role in hunting?

No. It's the females that do the hunting. The males just sleep and eat.

Which sex of they African lion hunts?

Pride lionesses do most of the hunting for the pride. But males can hunt, and nomadic males must be able to or starve to death. In many cases, as when hunting large prey like buffalo, the larger, stronger males must assist to bring the buffalo down.

What is Sioux for buffalo hunt?

There are many terms for "hunt" in Lakota but the verb used for "to hunt large animals by surrounding and shooting them with arrows" is wanasA.So the sentence wichasha wan wanase i means "a man went buffalo hunting" and oyate kin wanasapi means "the tribe was on a buffalo hunt".The verb wakhute means to shoot (people, animals) or to hunt; so wakhul yapi is "going hunting" but is not referring specifically to buffalo. Other terms refer to hunting deer and other game animals.

What were 2 things responsible for hurting the Comanche Indians?

Disease carried by whites and the large amount of buffalo killed by whites.

what state in the US produces the greatest amount of helium and why?

Texas produces the greatest amount of helium for any US state, because one large gas field in Texas happens to have natural gas with a relatively large concentration of helium.

Why do fast-moving predators need a large amount of food?

Fast-moving predators need a large amount of food because they burn more energy when thy are hunting. They need more food, to supply the greater amount of energy they use.

How many people are in the Texas Congress?

The amount of senators a state has is based on the size of the state. Texas, due to its large size, has a total of 31 senators.

How rare is the buffalo?

Buffalo aren't very rare and are found in large herds.

Can you give me a sentence for buffalo?

A buffalo is a large animal. The name bison is often used instead of buffalo. Buffalo is the name of a city in the USA.

What is the effect of sport hunting in the us?

The effects of hunting are healthy animal populations. Hunting and trapping are the most effective means of population control for an overall better quality of life for the animals. Hunters also are responsible for supplying a large amount of wildlife habitat with monies generated from the sale of hunting licenses and the sport tax on hunting equipment and ammunition.

Best hunting rifle?

It depends on what you're hunting. For most game animals, a 30-06 is a suitable choice. It is a very common caliber and almost ever gun manufacturer in the world makes one. If you hunt large animals like Buffalo or bears, a 40 or 45 may be a better choice. They are less common calibers, but a 30-06 is unlikely to drop a Buffalo or bear with one shot.