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Q: What did the leaders of the Soviet Union feel would provide the most protection of their country?
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Stalin was a famous political leader who was from the country of Georgia. However, he became the leader of the Soviet Union.

List of leaders of the Soviet Union overthrown by the Bolsheviks?

The Bolsheviks did not overthrow any leaders of the soviet Union. The Bolsheviks were the people who created the Soviet Union lead by Vladamir Lenin.

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Who was the leaders of the soviet union?

The leader of the Soviet Union during WW2 was Joseph Stalin.

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The Soviet leader most associated with perestroika is Mikhail Gorbachev.

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How did US leaders respond to the threat of the Soviet expansion in Europe?

the answer is containment,which was simply not to have any battles with the soviet union but to simply stop them from enpanding and just stay at their borders stoping them were ever they found a gap through the defences of the u.s

Why most Soviet citizens learned little about others nations around the world?

Becauses soviet leaders needed to learn other cultures due to the fact of other leaders

What a major motivation for the US to provide economic aid to Europe following World War 2?

The United States wanted to prevent European leaders from turning to the Soviet Union for help.

How do you think the leaders of the Soviet Union viewed the formation of the Marshall Plan and NATO?

The Soviet leaders probably viewed the Marshall Plan and NATO as direct threats to Soviet security. Soviet leaders felt the United States was using its wealth to buy influence and power in Europe. They feared that strong, rebuilt Western European nations would be a threat to its satellite nations in Eastern Europe.

What did Soviet Union leaders feel would best protect their country?

Creating buffers against future wars by spreading Soviet doctrine/leadership to the surrounding countries, including Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus, and more as well as supporting communist leaders such as Castro, Ho Chi Minh, and Mao to serve as allies in the case of future conflict.

Which nation did US leaders fear was leading the worldwide Communist movement during the second Red Scare?

The Soviet Union