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Q: What did the mother mean by They should rise but on the other side of the fence?
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It does not necessarily mean anything, other than a expression of a laugh. Actually, a "haha" can mean a form of fence made by creating a little ditch just behind a little row of earth. It's commonly seen in older English manors to keep the sheep on those huge green lawns. It's a way of making a fence that doesn't really look like a fence from a distance.

What does the idiom stay this side of the fence mean?

It's not an idiom because it means just what it seems to mean. You should stay on the side of the fence that you are currently on and not climb over.

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A stile is a set of steps by which we may cross over a fence; a turnstile is a passage through a fence, or other barrier, that rotates to form an opening.

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Didn't you mean a Fence Gate that opens? or a Fence? Well... To make a fence, you ________ | | | | | | |________|

What does it mean the grass is not greener on the other side?

Actually, the expression is "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." It means that something you do not have may look more attractive than what you already have (the grass on YOUR side of the fence)

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"mother". You usually use this when you address your own mother and not refer to your own mother in front of other people.

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What does mend fences mean?

It can be literally repairing breaks or weak spots in a fence, or it can be an idiom for repairing a "broken" friendship or other relationship.

What does mon autre Mere mean in English?

My other mother

What does it mean if you take someone down off the fence?

If you're "on the fence," you're undecided. The image is of someone sitting on a fence, not sure which side they want to stand on. When you come off the fence, you've decided.

Can sound travel up and over a fence?

If you mean a chain link fence or picket fence, sound will go right through it. If you mean a fence you can't see through, one standing 6 or so feet high with no gaps, it can reduce the sound, but not prevent it from escaping entirely.