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Aphro - Foam

Dite - Born

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Q: What did the name of the Greek goddess Aphrodite really mean?
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What is the greek god of Venus's?

If you mean "What is the Greek name for Venus(Roman form)?" Then your answer is Aphrodite.....if your question was "What does Aphrodite mean?" then your answer would be "Foam-born"....but really...this question was really confusing :/

What does the name of the Greek goddess Aphrodite really mean?

Aphro - Foam Dite - Born

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Who was a pretty goddess of greek myth?

If you mean the goddess of beauty, that is Aphrodite.

What does Aphrodite mean to the greek people?

the goddess of love

What part of nature does Aphrodite the Greek goddess answer?

Aphrodite was a goddess of the sea and of the heavens. This does not mean she was controlled by that nature, but rather that she shared the domain of it.

What does ahroditein Greek mythology?

I think you mean 'Aphrodite'; the goddess of love in Greek myth.

What are the Roman names of the Roman goddess Venus?

If you mean the Greek name of the Roman goddess Venus, it is Aphrodite.

Who is the Roman goddess Venus named after?

None of the gods in Greek or Roman mythology are really "named" after anything, sometimes their names mean things in Greek or Latin. Venus was the goddess of love and beauty, and the Greek goddess of love and beauty was Aphrodite. The Romans duplicated all the Greek myths, changing the names to Roman ones, so I guess you could say Venus was named after Aphrodite.

What did Aphrodite become for the goddess?

Aphrodite is the goddess of love, if that's what you mean.

What where the greek goddesses powers?

Each Greek goddess had her own power, such as Aphrodite could make men fall in love with her or others. you will have to specify more as to which goddess you mean, as there are many.

Who is 12 goddess of Greek mythology?

If you mean Who the goddesses of the 12 Olympians are that is: Athena, Aphrodite, Hestia, Hera, Artemis, Demeter, and Persephone.